Life Enhancement:

What is Life Enhancement Coaching?

Many people fail to live their lives in an authentic manner and battle chronic feelings of emptiness, confusion, boredom, and disillusionment caused by a lack of alignment between their genuine self and the path they walk everyday.

The opposite of authentic living is emotional numbness, fragmentation, and stagnation. Most of the emotional pain people experience today is due to the spiritual imbalance caused by excessive productivity, movement and extrinsic stimulation, with a disproportionate amount of tranquility, reflection and enlightenment.

The sooner a person learns to tune out irrelevant stimuli from the environment, quiet the racing mind, and appreciate the gift of inner peace and stillness, the sooner they will be ready to listen deeply to the voices of the soul to walk the path of fulfillment and joy.

Live, Dream, and Thrive Life Enhancement coaching operates on the premise that in every person’s soul lives the power and wisdom they need to live their life wholeheartedly, recognize their dreams, and thrive in their daily life.

L isten to the answers within


I dentify areas where energy is blocked

V isualize the life you want to live

E liminate mental noise and clutter


D isengage from commotion and chaos

R ecognize your hopes and dreams

E mbrace the present moment

A chieve a state of quiet reflection

M ake a choice to release the PAST
 (Procrastination, Avoidance, Stagnation, Trepidation)


T rust your instincts

H ear the voice of your soul

R ide the wave of courage and momentum

I nvite joy and laughter into your life

V enture towards the path of fulfillment

E njoy the journey


Before considering the Life Enhancement Coaching Program, it is necessary to understand the concept and process of coaching and how coaching differs from traditional psychotherapy.

Difference Between Coaching and Psychotherapy:


  • Views clients as creative, resourceful and whole
  • Does not diagnose or treat mental illness
  • Typically not billed to an insurance company
  • Clients are high functioning and emotionally healthy Coach and client work together to plan the coaching
  • Emphasis usually on present and future
  • Action based Clients encouraged to accept personal responsibility and work actively towards change
  • Coach holds client accountable for action steps Homework assignments and action plans encouraged
  • Frequent contact between sessions to examine progress
  • Professional boundaries less stringent


  • Trained to work with mental illness
  • Diagnoses are usually formulated to guide treatment plans
  • Often billed to an insurance company
  • Clients are often struggling with mental illness
  • Therapist formulates the treatment plan
  • Emphasis often on the past
  • Insight oriented Focus on healing, understanding and coping
  • Therapist encourages client to explore primary origin of maladaptive thoughts, feelings, behaviors and choices
  • Basic coping skills are often the focus
  • Contact between sessions in crisis only
  • Firm professional boundaries