Parent Coaching:

What is Parent Coaching?

Parent Coaching is a skill based program designed to teach parents the necessary skills and techniques for raising emotionally intelligent children.

Is Parent Coaching right for me?

If you are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed or ineffective in managing ongoing temper tantrums, emotional meltdowns or defiant behaviors, you are an ideal candidate for parent coaching.

What exactly is emotional intelligence?

Ability to identify and label emotional experiences
Capacity to regulate emotions and self soothe
Awareness of emotions in other people
Ability to engage in problem solving and decision making
Recognition of negative emotions as opportunity for growth and intimacy
Creativity, autonomy, spontaneity, and empathy towards others

What blocks emotional intelligence?

Unresolved childhood wounds
Personal values and beliefs
Parenting agendas
Fear of negative emotions
Projection of personal experience onto child
Lack of education and insight

What does emotionally intelligent parenting look like?

Recognition of child’s negative emotions as opportunity for intimacy and teaching
Listening to child at a deep level
Checking for accuracy
Expressions of support, validation and empathy
Asking questions to elicit emotional responses
Teaching skills for emotional regulation and self soothing
Assisting child with identifying and labeling emotions
Development of emotion based vocabulary
Generating possible solutions to problems
Guiding child in choosing from several possible solutions
Evaluating effectiveness of solutions after the fact
Allowing child to make mistakes with dignity intact
Refraining from judgment, criticism and sarcasm
Placing higher value on parent-child relationship than obedience and control
Teaching child to control impulses, delay gratification, and self motivate
Teaching child to cope with disappointment and change

When should I use Parent Coaching?

When you sense child is headed for a meltdown
Following meltdowns and conflicts
When child appears distant, distressed or emotionally shut down
When child expresses painful feelings
When there is a conflict or problem to be resolved
When child witnesses marital conflict
During times of sibling rivalry
Following painful/traumatic experiences such as accident,
illness or loss of a pet or loved one.